Academic Advising News

Get some advice, set goals, and be productive at the Productivity Café, Mon., Dec. 11, from 1–5 p.m. in Burling First Floor Lounge.

Drop in to the Oct. 9 Productivity Café from 3-5 pm in Burling Lounge and chat with CLS, DLAC, academic advising, and library experts.

Get some advice, set goals, and be productive at the Productivity Café, Wed., Sept. 13, from 3–5 p.m. in Burling First Floor Lounge.

Faculty and staff had the opportunity to attend the “Mini Scholars’ Seminar: Metacognitive Skill Development.†The workshop encouraged faculty and staff members to understand the metacognition cycle as a means to help students leap over academic hurdles.

Academic Advising is excited to announce that the Partners program has changed its staffing structure.

The Level Up program helps second-year students take overcome new challenges and take advantage of new opportunities.

Academic Advising and Disability Resources have moved!
All second-year, second-semester students need to declare their major by March 15 to be able to participate in fall registration.